The NSW Multicultural Health Community Services turn to social media to spread the word on measles in Australia before the local outbreak gets worse.

With more than 40 reported cases of measles in Australia, the health agency is tapping Facebook to reach people who are vulnerable to catching measles.

The measles virus is highly contagious and is easily transmitted to unprotected and vulnerable people in the community.

Measles-containing vaccine is recommended at 12 months and again at 18 months of age and is free of charge. People born during or after 1966 who have not received two doses of measles-containing vaccine should visit their local doctor to receive the free vaccine as soon as possible.

Young infant travellers eligible for measles vaccination have featured in the cases in 2014. Babies who are travelling overseas, particularly to Philippines (and Asia) before their 12 month old vaccine is due can be given the first dose as early as 9 months of age.

Children over 18 months who have not had their second dose of measles vaccine can be vaccinated now.

Spokesperson Jesusa Helaratne also said, "The more people we engage with, the more we get to help your community with their health needs." 

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Measles campaign on Facebook

Measles campaign on Facebook

Measles campaign on Facebook






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