In late 2005, a group of people had a dream: to launch a woman’s magazine filled with stories they can read, enjoy and relate to. Four pregnancies, a funeral and a few false starts later, that dream has finally become a reality.
Welcome to the Australian Filipina Business & Lifestyle Magazine, the first and only woman’s lifestyle and business publication with the Australian-Filipino community in mind. The magazine is a way for budding and professional Australian-Filipino writers to express themselves on any topic: from food to finance and everything in between. Think the New Yorker, Marie Claire and the Economist all rolled into one – with a Filipino flavour!
From a trickle of Filipinos migrating to Australia back in the 70s, there are now more than 1.2 million Australians with Filipino ancestry (5.5 per cent of the population) and rising. Given the chance, the magazine will be their storyteller, chronicling their journeys, struggles, successes and transformations as they come to call Australia home.
Australian-Filipinos don’t live in a bubble too so we will also feature stories of Filipinos overseas, the wider Australian community and around the globe.
The magazine is available online with a print edition appearing quarterly, starting with the issue out in September 2009.
Michelle Baltazar (publisher) will keep the wheels rolling although there’s a village of writers, community supporters and friends who will be instrumental in keeping the publication chugging along.