Since the beginning of the year, 26 cases of measles have been reported in NSW. Measles continues to be brought back to Australia by under-vaccinated young travellers to Philippines and South-East Asia.

As a result, people have now been infected with measles in Bathurst, on the Central Coast and in various parts of metropolitan Sydney. An infectious traveller has also spent time in Tamworth, Armidale and Singleton.

The NSW Ministry of Health has appointed the Multicultural Health Communication Service (MHCS) to run the Measles Awareness Campaign targeting the Filipino community in NSW until July this year.

The key messages are:

 §  Measles is a serious, highly infectious disease that is currently circulating in Philippines and Asia

§  Under-vaccinated young travellers are at increased risk

§  Get your free measles vaccine at your GP if you were born during or since 1966 and have not received 2 doses of measles vaccine, especially if travelling to the Philippines

§  Visit your GP if you experience symptoms upon your return (including fever, red eyes, cough or rash) – but phone ahead and request to be isolated from other patients upon arrival

§  For information, phone your local public health unit on 1300 066 055 or visit

Find out more about measles from this factsheet.

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