The Filipino-Australian community has yet another reason to celebrate.   There are two Pinays selected as finalists in the 2024 Women Changing the World Awards.  These are Tina Bangel of One Voice School Of Singing in the Category of People’s Choice – Cultural Diversity and Inclusion,  and Yona Signo of Kaya Services in the Category of Woman in Professional Services.

The Women Changing the World Awards, presented by Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York, and Oprah Winfrey’s all-time favourite guest, Dr. Tererai Trent, celebrate and recognise women achieving outstanding success in areas such as sustainability, humanitarian work, leadership, advocacy, tech, product development, education, health, and innovation. The awards aim to acknowledge the growing number of women who are leading the way in making the world a better place for all and inspire other women to answer the call to take action.

Dr. Trent explains, “These exceptional women are here to awaken hearts, give permission to recapture dreams, and inspire the women of the world to come together to forge a brighter path for all. The rising of women is the awakening of everybody.”

Dr. Trent’s vision for these awards is to empower women everywhere to reclaim their sacred dreams and call on women across the globe to unite and pave the way toward a better future for all.

We are glad to share with you some information on our two finalists.

Tina Bangel

Tina Bangel is an Amazon best-selling author, certified Jack Canfield trainer, and founder of One Voice School Of Singing. She has worked with singers from shows like The Voice and supported international celebrities like Lea Salonga. Tina is also a finalist for the People’s Choice - Cultural Diversity and Inclusion award, highlighting her commitment to promoting cultural diversity through music and coaching.

This work is so important because Tina’s unique approach impacts many children’s lives, helping them build confidence and self-expression through music.

“It can be challenging to create change in the world,” says Tina Bangel. “My advice for others thinking about following their calling to make a difference is to stay true to your passion and never underestimate the power of your voice.”

Tina Bangel is proud of her achievements. In the last 12 months, she has been an Amazon best-selling author, a certified Jack Canfield trainer, and a finalist for the People’s Choice - Cultural Diversity and Inclusion award. She attributes this success to her dedication to empowering others through music and coaching.

She is committed to continuing to make an impact through her work. Her vision for the future is to inspire more people to find their voices and create positive change in the world.  In the recently held concert “Motown Magic”, the Fil-Aus community celebrated Tina and One Voice Singing School for providing a platform for the young people to develop their singing talents as well as give them life skills.  The students spoke about how they suffered low self-esteem but was brought on track by Tina’s mentoring and helping them in them in their music journey.

Tina with Motown Magic Concert Artists and Band

Tina also brought pride among the Filipinos in her performance in the National Monument to Migration unveiling at the Australian National Maritime Museum.  There were over 1300 people from various nationalities attending over the course of the day.   She truly personifies the ideals of cultural diversity and inclusion.

You may reach Tina Bangel through:
One Voice School of Singing [email protected]

Yona Signo

As a multi-passionate Filipino-Australian entrepreneur, Yona blends her diverse experiences in IT and project management, primarily in education, with her passion for empowerment. She founded Kaya Services and co-founded Vision Outsourcing to harness the potential of skilled remote teams, providing fair work opportunities to women in the Philippines and aiding businesses worldwide in operational efficiency and growth. This endeavour fosters her connection to her heritage and champions cultural diversity and cross-border collaboration. Beyond business, she is a published author, course creator, and Certified SacredSpace holder. She advocates for supporting entrepreneurial mothers, embodying integrity, love, and joy in her personal and professional life.

At the helm of Kaya Services and co-founder of Vision Outsourcing, Yona leads initiatives that empower remote teams in the Philippines, predominantly women, offering them meaningful employment opportunities and a platform to showcase their skills on a global stage. Her mission transcends borders, enabling female business owners in Australia and beyond to scale and grow their enterprises through operational excellence and strategic outsourcing. By leveraging technology, project management, and a deep understanding of the education sector, her businesses tailor solutions that drive efficiency, foster growth, and celebrate cultural diversity. This work supports Filipino women's economic empowerment and gives Australian female entrepreneurs the tools and resources to thrive in a competitive marketplace. Her commitment to creating an inclusive, empowering environment for women in both countries and beyond exemplifies her dedication to making a significant, positive impact in professional services worldwide.

Yona and the SacredSpace Women

Yona Signo gives this advice for others thinking about following their calling to make a difference, “Embrace the challenges as opportunities to manifest a life that contributes to the ripple effect of change you want to see in the world. Stay committed to your why and your purpose and never underestimate the power of your actions to make a difference.”.

She is proud of her achievements. In the past 12 months, her journey has been marked by transformative achievements, each reflecting an aspect of her mission to empower and connect. Among the milestones, the growth of Kaya Services stands out as a cornerstone achievement, marked by a 70% surge in clientele and a 40% expansion of its remote team based in the Philippines. This progress underscores the opportunities created for Filipino women, providing them with employment avenues and pathways to empowerment and financial autonomy. Furthermore, it extends support to women entrepreneurs in Australia and beyond, enabling them to optimise profits and enhance efficiency, fostering the flourishing of these remarkable women-led enterprises.

Collaborating with the Pinay Girl Boss Academy to develop a course on Virtual Assistant Basics has been another highlight. This partnership allowed Yona to directly impact aspiring female professionals in the Philippines, equipping them with the essential skills to thrive in the digital economy. This initiative aligns closely with her mission, bridging the gap between potential and opportunity for many women.

Extending herself both professionally and personally has also been a significant achievement. Diving into Human Design, she has deepened her understanding of supporting individuals more effectively, tailoring her approach to meet their unique needs and potentials, and empowering them with this knowledge and how they can apply it. These milestones from the last 12 months underline her mission's impact - connecting cultures, empowering women, and fostering global business growth. Every achievement fuels her drive to make a significant difference in the world, from expanding operations and educational initiatives to personal and professional development.

She attributes these accomplishments to a blend of her passion, her belief in the potential of every individual she encounters, and the support of a community that shares her vision. The synergy between personal growth and professional excellence has been a driving force, enabling her to create spaces where empowerment and success flourish.

You may contact Yona through:
Yona Signo E - [email protected]
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The winners of the 2024 Women Changing the World Awards will be announced at the Women Changing the World Global Summit and Awards in London, United Kingdom on 25 May 2024.   Read the complete finalist list at

For more information on the 2024 Women Changing the World 2024 Awards visit

The Australian Filipina congratulates and wishes all the best to Tina Bangel and Yona Signo for being finalists in an initiative aimed at giving recognition to women who contributes to make the world a better place.

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