If you miss going to the gym thanks to this current lockdown, here are some items that are readily available at home that you can use to get you back on that fitness road.

Chairs. You can use them for your tricep dips and step-ups. It also be helpful for your high intensity crunches, squats, or leg raises.

Counter tops. You can do incline push ups to strengthen your arms and chest while waiting for the water to boil or while simmering a dish you’re cooking.


Carpet.  You can roll it up and use it for your squats or over-head lifts for your shoulders.

Grocery Bags/5-Gallon Jugs. Something to lift for your biceps. You can even lie down on a bench and do your butterfly lifts for your pecs. Just make sure that you are aware of the amount of weight you are lifting – add more repetitions for your lighter weights for muscle definition and add more weight if you want to focus on strength building – as long as it’s within the amount that you used to lift in the gym.


Backpack. You can load in some cans or unopened bottles then strap it on while you walk up and down the stairs or the driveway.  

Ropes. You can fasten to a sturdy pillar so you can work out using your body weight ala TRX.


A sturdy wall. This is where you can do your wall sits for your leg and thigh muscles.


A broom. By adding hip hinges or oblique twists to sweeping, this gives your core, your hips and your glutes a work-out.


Working out at home using what you have can be fun and creative. You can even invite your family members to join you to make it more interesting – it can even provide a good bonding moment for you and your family while in this lockdown period.

Just remember to keep safe by being mindful of handles for proper gripping and the right target positions to make sure that you are applying the right pressure on the right muscle group – just like being in the gym.


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