A lot of people are riding on the bandwagon of going natural and although we are all for it, I think that we sometimes have to take one step back before diving into a regimen that’s endorsed by a lot of people because it’s natural. Here are some beauty regimen that has been given the “tried and tested” stamp but may need further scrutiny.
- 1. Using lemon juice to naturally whiten your skin. This wonderful gift of nature is known for not just being an antioxidant but it also has astringent qualities that can decrease oil on the skin and reduce inflammation. Yes, it’s loaded with vitamin C which brighten and may smooth fine lines on your face.
BUT… because of those same acidic qualities it may be the source of some major side effects like skin irritation, sensitivity to sunlight called ‘phytophotodermatitis’ which can cause swelling, redness and blister like patches on your skin due to exposure to sunlight, ‘leukoderma’ or more commonly known as ‘vitiligo’, a skin condition where the skin develops large white spots and sunburn.
- Leaving coconut oil on your face the whole day. Due to its rich in lauric acid quality, it has been proven that coconut oil has very effective zit-fighting powers and it’s also provides excellent hydrating protection to your skin during prolonged exposure to the sun.

HOWEVER …. Because it is easily absorbed by the skin, the skin “feels” moisturized resulting to the slowing down of its natural production of sebum that protect the skin from bacteria and transepidermal water loss – the evaporation of your valuable hydration from inside the skin. This leaves your skin more vulnerable to environmental stressors and might leave your skin drier than it was. For the naturally oily skin, because coconut oil is 90% saturated fat, there may be a high possibility of your skin getting clogged resulting to comedones or blackheads.
- Using honey as a natural mask. This naturally existing element keep germs at bay and lessens inflammation because of its antibacterial and antiseptic qualities.

ALTHOUGH it’s application on the skin has proven to provide a number of benefits to a lot of people, studies have shown that it may produce an allergic reaction. Also due to its stickiness, it may also be harder to remove from your skin.
- Using very hot water to wash your face. Though the heat may help the skin to open its pores to release all the dirt and grime that you have accumulated the whole day, high temperature water strips your skin’s moisture and may signal your oil glands that it needs to replace it by creating more oil. This results in acne break-outs. Lukewarm water is always the better way to go and if you feel that you have gently massaged out all the unwanted dirt on your face, you can try a tad cooler amount of water to help close your pores.

There are still a lot of these natural elements that involves “naturally” occurring substances but because they already border the “gross” levels that goes beyond propriety, let’s just skip it altogether because all these “tried and tested” regimens are definitely NOT absolute.
Remember that more than the process, you have to very well understand the main element involved in the process – your skin. You have to find out first your skin type and condition before launching into a regimen that may suit your skin and don’t forget, your lifestyle.
The regimens listed above may have its merits but testing would always be the best initial course of action along with your consultation with your dermatologist. You can watch out for these future ‘Beauty Secrets” on this page. So keep on reading.